Your SafetySkills Empower account comes with a comprehensive list of pre-loaded hazards. In developing these hazards we have used common language and terms already used by OSHA and safety organizations, and in many cases is industry standard. When determining your hazards find the best match from the hazard names provided. All hazards are initially found in the Archived Tab and relevant hazards to your operations will be moved into the Active Tab during the onboarding phase, or at any time as needed. Hazards may be switched between tabs at any time to match operational safety assessments (JHA, JSA, or other).
To review the hazards and it’s status for your account, follow these steps:
- Log into your account
- Using the menu on the left navigate to Settings, then click Hazards
- The page will default to the “Active” hazards tab
- To review the archived hazards click the tab at the top that says “Archived”
To change the status of a hazard:
- On either tab, select a hazard by checking the box on the left side of the list
- Then, click the action button for the tab you are on “Unarchive” or “Archive” on the upper right side of the page
- This action will bring up a pop-up for you to confirm the change action
To review additional information about a hazard, click the hazard name to view more details about that hazard. If you would like to take an action on that hazard you can do so from this page as well. There is an actions drop down on the upper right that will allow you to modify the single hazard you are viewing. Select the action, then click “Submit.” You will be presented with an action confirmation pop-up to confirm your action.
If you eliminate a particular hazard from your workplace, and no longer need it actively available, you may move to back to the Archived tab by checking the box on the left side of the page, then click the blue “Archive” button on the upper right.
The Archived tab serves as a repository for any hazards not presently needed, and reduces clutter and long lists in the active tab section. However, they can be easily re-activated using the steps listed above.
You may not create or write new hazards yourself. Hazards are provided to be matched with almost every eventuality and standardized language is used to facilitate links with competency and training. If you cannot find a suitable hazard listed, contact your Training Success Manager to propose a new hazard and we can create one for you. If you do not know the contact information for your Training Success Manager, please reach out to [email protected] to request that information.