A manual assignment is any assignment that is not made through the Automatic Assigning feature. A manual assignment can be made for one or multiple users for one or multiple courses at a time.
To assign a training course to yourself or a learner, go to the menu, click on “Learning Management” then “Users” (1). You will then select the learner from the list on the “Users” page by clicking the check box to the left of the Learner’s information (2). You may check as many users as you need to assign training to.
If you would like to select a whole group to make a manual assignment for, you would first filter for the group on the left side of the “Users” page. In the “Filter Options” box, select the group name from the drop-down and then click “Apply Filter.” (3) The LMS will process the request and filter the users into the view for the group you selected. To select everyone in this group, use the “select all” check box at the top of the selections column (4).
Be sure to verify the number of users you have selected at the top right is correct. Then, click the green “Next” button (5) to go to the “Courses” page.
Once on the “Courses” page, you can search for the course(s) you wish to assign. You can search for course(s) by using the text box and typing in a partial name, or use the “Course Filter” option.
When using the “Course Filter” option to browse courses, you can search for courses by tags. Tags allow courses to be grouped by similar properties or subjects. For example, all available Spanish courses are listed under the “Spanish” tag. Begin by clicking in the search box below “Course Filter,” then click on the tag you wish to browse and a list of all related courses will populate in the course table below.
Select the desired course(s) from the list by checking the box for the course on the left of the list. Once you have selected the course(s) you need, click the green “Next” button.
This will bring you to the final step of the assignment process where you will select the activation date and due dates. To select the activation or due date, click the calendar icon. This will open the date selection tool. Pick the date you would like from the calendar. The activation date can be set in the past, present, or future. If you would like to setup a due date for the assignment, the system will not allow the due date to be before the activation date. Due date is not required when making a manual assignments.
Also on this page, you will see “Assignment Details” on the right. Here, you can make sure you have the correct number of people and course(s) selected.
Finally, you will see two check boxes below the assignment dates being selected. The first, “Assign only if never taken before,” can be checked if you would like the users you have chosen to give the assignments to take the training only if they do not have a previous completion for it in the system. The second option, “Send Summary Email,” can be selected if you would like to send the affected users a Summary email notification upon the creation of the assignment(s). When you check this box, a pop-up will appear to provide you with additional information regarding the Summary email. If you wish to proceed, you can select, “Yes.” If you select “No,” the pop-up will dissipate and the box will uncheck itself.
Once you fill out this page, you will click the “Assign” button to complete the process. The course(s) assigned will then be listed on the “My Training” in the learners account.
Please note: if you are selecting a large number of people or titles, there is a button on the upper right of the “Courses” and “Users” pages that will track your selections for each of the lists. They are the “Courses Selected” and “Users Selected” buttons (right next to the green “Next” button at the top). If you click the button on either page it will display your list of selections for that tab in a pop-up box. You can remove items from the lists by clicking the “Unselect” to the right of the selection or clear the whole list by clicking the “Unselect All.” The “Next” button on the pop-up list box works just like the “Next” on the tab: it will take you to the next step of your assignment process.
If you have any questions about this process please contact the SafetySkills Help Desk at [email protected] or call 405-463-6656, option 2. The SafetySkills Help Desk is available Monday through Friday, from 7 AM to 6 PM Central time.