We believe SafetySkills™ to be a re-invention of the way organizations deploy, manage, and track critical compliance and skills training for their employees. Through this approach, virtually any organization of any size can deploy and maintain a world-class EHS training solution that provides substantive, relevant training that ensures employee competency and organizational compliance without the significant investment typically associated with custom-built training solutions.

All SafetySkills™ learning content is developed around a well-defined competency requirement, then learning objectives are determined, validation tests established and relevant references associated. The resulting product is what we call a learning element, the smallest indivisible component of all SafetySkills™ courseware.

The SafetySkills™ compendium of courseware consists of thousands of learning elements in topics ranging from Basic Office Ergonomics to Weapons of Mass Destruction and has been applied to industries ranging from defense to pharmaceuticals.