The instructions below are for importing records from an alternate system, prior to establishing your SafetySkills account, this is “training pre-SafetySkills.” The imported data can be viewed by any user that can view the “Reports” page of the SafetySkills LMS. However, only the “Owner” of the account will be able to add and remove data from the “Training Pre-SafetySkills” feature.

Records imported using the instructions below will not integrate into the Automatic Assigning feature, our Main Report or the Compliance report. This feature is strictly for read-only and documentation purposes. For more information about user types and permissions to determine who in your account will have access to the “Training Pre-SafetySkills” feature please review this article: User Claims Explained

If you would like for the Automatic Assigning feature to “read” previous completions to continue making assignments per the selected schedule, please contact your Training Success Manager at 405-463-6656, option 4.

Please note: Importing historical records is not intended to replace sessions or other maintenance records.

To begin, please click on the “Reports” option from the main menu. On the upper left, please click on the “Training Pre-SafetySkills” (TPS) link.

This will take you to a new page where you will enter the columns corresponding to the Excel spreadsheet of records you will upload. Please note: The spreadsheet must have the same columns that are entered into the system. You may enter new column names into the system via the “New Column” text box by first entering the column header and clicking the blue “Add” button.

This will populate the new column at the end of the row of headers. You may now drag and drop the column header wherever it displays in your corresponding spreadsheet.

Once the display matches the spreadsheet, you may upload your spreadsheet into the system. On the right side of this page, under “Training Pre-SafetySkills Upload,” use the “Choose File” button to select your spreadsheet from your saved files. Then, you may click the blue “Submit Data” button. Only click this button once; each additional click will re-upload the file, potentially causing duplicates to be uploaded into the system. Importing historical records may take a few moments. Once your records have been uploaded, they will populate in the table.