If you have received an error stating that your users email is in the blacklist and not receiving emails, this could be due to a few different factors, all of which should be simple to resolve!
Why is this an issue?
- Check the format of the email – make sure it is in the format of [email protected] without spaces or extra symbols.
- Check the spelling of the email – ensure the email is spelled correctly.
- Common issues are with names that are shortened or when someone goes by a different name than their email.
- For example, [email protected] vs [email protected].
- Ensure the email exists in your system.
- At times, it may take some time for a new hire email to be added to your internal systems, so you may need to ensure the email exists and is active.
- If reasons 1-3 are ruled out, the issue is typically due to the SafetySkills email addresses not being whitelisted by your internal network, so they are “bouncing” and sending an error to the SafetySkills servers.
- When our servers receive the error notification, we add that email to our blacklist to prevent any future emails from being sent and resulting in more errors.
How can you resolve this issue?
- If it is a formatting or spelling issue, you can simply update the email to the correct spelling/format and that should resolve the error immediately.
- If the email was formatted and spelled properly, but not yet active in your internal system – you can contact [email protected] once the email is active and request for the email to be removed from the SafetySkills blacklist.
- If the error is due to a whitelisting issue, we suggest contacting your internal team to make sure the SafetySkills domains and email addresses are whitelisted.
- You can find additional information on what specifically needs to be whitelisted here: SafetySkills Whitelisting Information
- Once your internal team has confirmed the SafetySkills domains and email addresses have been whitelisted, please contact [email protected] to request the email be removed from our blacklist.
- If there were several email addresses in the blacklist, we’ll work with you to determine one email to remove as a test. If that test email is able to successfully receive an email, we will be able to remove all related emails from our blacklist.
For any remaining questions, please feel free to contact [email protected] and we’d be happy to assist!