New Features Have Arrived!
Action Items Dashboard Component – A&I CAPAs
This feature adds “A&I CAPA Assigned” to the Action Items list in the Summary page of the Empower Dashboard.
Helpful Changes!
Ability to enter 0 training hours in Toolbox Sessions
This update gives the administrator the ability to enter 0000:00:00 when marking a user as Attended in Toolbox Sessions.
Course Description Character Limit Increase
This update has increased the Course Description character limit to 1,000.
Toolbox Session Custom Time Input Field
This update gives the administrator the ability to enter specific training hours in Toolbox Sessions, rather than select a time in 15-minute increments.
Action Items Dashboard Component – Approve A&I Template/Approve Form
This feature updates the text that previously said “Submitted” to be the date of creation of the A&I Template/Form on the Action Items list in the Summary page of the Empower Dashboard.
Incident CAPAs – Update Action Items Dashboard Component
This update changes the previously named “CAPA Assigned” item to now be labeled “Incident CAPA Assigned” on the Action Items list in the Summary page of the Empower Dashboard.
It’s Fixed!
Intermittently cannot navigate system after logging in as different users
This item resolved the intermittent issue of not navigating to the first page selected after logging in without refreshing the page. We determined that this behavior occurred when logging out as one user, and then logging back in as another in the system.
Non-recordable injuries appearing on the OSHA 300 Log
This item resolved the issue of non-recordable injuries from the OSHA 301 log appearing in the OSHA 300 log.
“Every 2 Weeks” summary emails not sending
This item resolved the issue of summary emails not being sent when “Every 2 Weeks” was selected upon the day of choice.
SafetySkills speed test error – Upload speed always showing 0 Mbps
This item resolved the issue of inaccurately reporting the “Upload” speed in Mbps (megabytes per second) as 0, regardless of specific device and location information on the “Experiencing Issues?” troubleshooting page.
Multiple item responses showing up when multiple CAPAs are associated with an item on A&I Forms Print Page
This item resolved the issue of multiple item responses showing up when multiple CAPAs are associated with an item. The correct number of items now display on the Forms print page.