The first step in submitting an incident report is to go to the incident reporting page for your account. If you have logged into the SafetySkills Empower system you would go to the menu, then to Incident Management, then Create New Report. This will open the incident report tool for your account. The site will […]
Category: SafetySkills Empower
How to Resolve Training Matrix Upload Errors
When uploading your training matrix into the system, a specific format must be followed. If you received an email containing an error report for your training matrix upload, something on your initial upload spreadsheet wasn’t quite right. Please see the errors below, along with a brief description on how to resolve them: Please Note: The system […]
Creating Custom Content for Your SafetySkills LMS Account
At SafetySkills, we understand that your company is unique. You may have company-specific documents you need to ensure your learners view, or you may want to create a course to cover a company-specific topic. We can offer a few different solutions for creating custom content for your account, depending on your needs. For company documents that […]
How to Preserve Logins that Contain Leading Zeros
The LMS will allow for leading zeros to be imported into the system. However, there are a few extra steps to keep in mind to properly maintain this data and prevent duplicate users from being created accidentally. If you are using a version of Excel that is older than 2016, please download instructions here: How […]