This article covers re-sending emails for assignments that have already been created. To set up assignment emails for automatic assignments, please click here; to set up assignment emails for manual assignments, please click here. Please remember that if you schedule activation and due date reminders to be sent, your learner(s) will need to have current […]
Category: SafetySkills Enterprise
How to Upload and Edit a SCORM or AICC Course – Enterprise Edition
If you have content created outside of our LMS, you can added it to the library by creating a SCORM or AICC custom course. The LMS can accept an AICC URL or a SCORM 1.2 ZIP file. The SCORM package has an upload limit of 50 MB. If you have a SCORM course that is […]
How To Un-Assign a Course – Enterprise Edition
Your course needs may change, but it doesn’t have to be difficult: un-assigning a course allows you to completely remove the assignment from selected users easily. While the Owner and Super Administrators can do this for any and all users in the system, Administrators will only have access to the groups they have been assigned […]
How To Edit Existing Assignments – Enterprise Edition
Whether you assigned the wrong course, or simply need to alter the dates of one, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Instead of deleting and re-assigning each course manually, our Edit Assignments feature allows you to do this action for all your users at once. While the Owner and Super Administrators can do this for […]
How To Create Automatic Assignments – Enterprise Edition
Automatic assignments allow you to schedule assignments for future dates, without having to go in and manually assign the course to the users as you want them to take it. Using the Auto-Assign feature, you can schedule training for different groups. Only the Owner and Super Administrators can modify this feature, it will affect all […]
How To Create a Manual Assignment – Enterprise Edition
A manual assignment is any assignment that is not made through the automatic assigning feature. A manual assignment can be made for one or multiple users for one or multiple courses at a time. To assign a training course to yourself or a learner, you will select the learner from the list on the “Users” […]
How To Create an Assignment From an Attachment – Enterprise Edition
Owners and Super Administrators now have the ability to create a course assignment from an uploaded attachment. This LMS feature requires the learner to verify that they have opened and read the attachment, allowing you to better track that your attachments have been accessed. First, you will need to upload the attachment to the LMS. […]
How to Upload an Attachment – Enterprise Edition
Whether you need to supplement a course with a document, or simply store pertinent account documents within the LMS, Owners and Super Administrators have the ability to upload attachments into the LMS. Please note: Advanced Administrators are able to upload and associate attachments on the Attachments page to Sessions, Courses, and individual users. Administrators can only upload […]
How To Assign Administrators to Groups – Enterprise Edition
Unlike Super Administrators and the Owner, Administrators are only allowed to view, edit, and manage the groups that they have been assigned to. Administrators may be assigned to groups by either Super Administrators or the account Owner. Granting an “Administrator” access to a group(s) will be done from their “User Information” page. To get to […]
How To Deactivate and Reactivate Users – Enterprise Edition
If you have an employee that has either left the company or rejoined and is already in the LMS, account Owners and Super Administrators now have the ability to reactivate and deactivate your users as needed. Reactivating or deactivating users in the SafetySkills LMS is a very simple process. Please follow the steps below to […]