Groups utilize the information in the “Custom User Fields” to sort your users. Custom User Fields allow you to add key information about the user, such as their status, location, position, or any other relevant information, for up to 18 fields. For more information on how to create the custom fields you need for your […]
Category: SafetySkills Empower
How to Import a Complete Training Matrix
Instead of entering each course into Automatic Assigning individually, user can import an entire training matrix. This will allow the system to process your matrix and emailing you once it has been completed, saving you time! Some administrators can only view the setting for the Automatic Assigning feature, for more information about user types and […]
How To Create Automatic Assignments
Automatic assignments allow you to schedule assignments for future dates, without having to go in and manually assign the course to the users as you want them to take it. Using the Auto-Assign feature, you can schedule training for different groups. The ability to access and configure the account’s Automatic Assigning feature will depend on […]
How to Run a Summarized Compliance Report
Depending on your User Type’s permissions will determine if you have access to the Reports feature. For more information about User Types and permissions please review these two articles: Creating User Types for SafetySkills Engage and SafetySkills Empower and User Permissions for SafetySkills Engage Begin by going to the Learning Management section of the menu, then […]
How To Create and Run Reports
Reports Overview If you have access to the report feature, you are able to create, run and view reports to see how your learners are doing with their training. For more information about user types and permissions please review these two articles: Creating User Types and User Permissions From the “Learning Management” section of the […]
How to Create and Manage Toolbox Sessions
It isn’t always feasible for your learners to take training on their own, which is where in-person training comes in. If you hold a safety meeting, present an offline class, or use one of our classes in Group Mode, the “Toolbox Sessions” feature enables you to track who attended the in-person training event. Marking learners […]
How to Create an Offline Course
Training doesn’t always take place online individually, and our LMS understands that. Offline courses and the Toolbox Sessions feature allow you to track and manage any training done outside of the LMS. The SafetySkills system allows you to create records for training completed in a group setting, or another type of training event. The completed […]
How To Create a Manual Assignment
A manual assignment is any assignment that is not made through the Automatic Assigning feature. A manual assignment can be made for one or multiple users for one or multiple courses at a time. To assign a training course to yourself or a learner, go to the menu, click on “Learning Management” then “Users” (1). […]
How to Create a Custom Welcome Email
Introducing your company to a new software or platform can be difficult, but SafetySkills is aiming to make it easier by allowing you to create a fully customized Welcome email to send from the system to your users. The ability to access and configure the account’s welcome email, and other display settings, will depend on […]
How To Configure Custom Account Fields/Attributes for Learners
You have the ability to create custom fields to organize user information within your LMS. Some examples of these fields could be department, job title, or location. The ability to access and configure the account’s custom fields will depend on the user type you are assigned. For more information about user types and permissions please […]